Jim Riley Leadership Award

Jim Riley
New Jersey TF1

The Jim Riley Leadership Award was created in honor of it’s first recipient, Jim Riley (NJ-TF1). Jim was instrumental in the development of the SUSAR Alliance. His vision was for an organization that would encourage the sharing of ideas and discussion about Urban Search and Rescue. He reached out to representatives from Task Forces across the country to come together to form what is now the SUSAR Alliance. He set in motion a series of events that has led to the development of our annual SUSAR conferences and the establishment of dialog with the federal US&R system.

Jim Riley has served as the President of the SUSAR Alliance Board of Directors and served on the Board as a member for many years. His leadership is a model for the US&R community.  Each year, the SUSAR Alliance will take nominations for the Jim Riley Leadership Award. The award will be presented at our annual conference. Each recipient will be honored with a plaque and their name will be listed on the SUSAR website.

Jim Riley Leadership Award Recipients

Steve Coffman
Texas TF2
Doug Cooper
Alabama TF1
Rayanne Chamberlain
Michigan TF1
No Award Given
Robert Bryan "RB" Ellis
Tulsa FD - Oklahoma TF1
Craig Smith
Greensboro FD - North Carolina
Fred Endrikat
Fred Endrikat
FEMA US&R System
Michael Cannon
Vermont TF1
Awarded at the
2025 NUS&R Conference